Five Years.

March 16, 2013 at 12:55 pm | Posted in Dessert | 5 Comments


Here I sit in one of the most French laden establishments in Baltimore. Patisserie Poupon! I’ve been here before when my fancy camera was still exciting and novel and took some fun pictures.

This post is all about reflection. Two days from now is Five Years of Strawberries in Paris. It has been a sweet, fun, fast paced, sorrowful and joyful ride.

It’s amazing how much I have grown up in five years. I finally feel like my head is on straight and my priorities are falling into place as they finally should be. Hard work, good health, lots of love to and from my family and cherished times with my true friends. There really is one word to sum it all up: Gratitude.

I am grateful for all of this. I’m grateful for the energy I have to keep on going. I’m grateful for my readers and my supporters. I’m grateful that my cousin is two miles from here in the best hospital in the world and is healing slowly but surely. I’m grateful that I am finally in a place in my career when I can be sending emails at 11 pm for a clinical trial setup and have the biggest smile inside. The Lord takes us on a path and it is always much later do we see his reasons and wisdom.

I can’t wait to see where I am in 5 more years. But there is no rushing that!

So if you are reading this, I hope you as well can have some time today to sit back and see how things have changed in the past five years for yourself. I hope that your ride has also been amazing, not necessarily happy at all times, but still amazing.


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  1. Bissy, what a beautiful reflection on where you are in you life.
    I am so proud of you, love Daddy

  2. I hope I am still around (and in your life) to see you in 5 years!

    • Hell yeah you will be!!

  3. So glad to have been a part of these past 5 years watching you grow.

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